the 3rd WLondonFF Winners and Selections (2021)
Congrats to our Winners and Selections! Thanks for sharing your films with us.
Feature Movie:
Gold Winner
The Girl Who Left Home Directed by Mallorie Ortega
Gold Selections
A Thousand Girls Like Me Directed by Sahra Mani
Love After War Directed by Mitchell Tepper, Mark Schoen
The Conscience of Clothing Directed by Patrick Kohl
Where did I come from? Who am I? Where will I go to? And you are... Directed by Kazuya Kitao
Alta Vista Directed by Joe Clarke
Out of Chaos, an Artist's Journey in Haiti Directed by Pascal Giacomini
Silver Selections
Basenji Directed by Ian Scott Clement
Bihaan - Tune of Faith Directed by SAURABH SAHA
Cold Calm Directed by Tyna Ezenma
Devika Directed by Jibin George James
Searching for Skylab: America's Forgotten Triumph Directed by Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Bronze Selections
Overcast Hearts Directed by Kurihara Yasuyuki
Some Night Directed by Enrico Banson
Musings of an Uninspired Artist Directed by Ronit Jadhav
UTONWA (bonded by blood) Directed by Johnpaul Nwanganga
The Herb Train Directed by William Lemons
Short Movie:
Gold Winner
Making Peace Directed by Judah Ray
Gold Selections
Hatshepsut Directed by Sonia Machado Hines
Love, Post - Lockdown Directed by Ben Mourra, Lucas Boetsch
No Answer Directed by Billy D Chester
The Last Touch Directed by Melissa Mars
Blue Calling Directed by Sarah Ziegler, Janis Klinkenberg
Cheyenne Directed by Rich Underwood
Going Deeper . Love letter to Nazare Directed by Luke Huxham
The Curiosity of Edward Pratt Directed by Thomas Sandler
The Great Atchafalaya Basin Directed by Mark Knight
The Heart of Alishan Forest Railway Directed by BASAN YUSAN, HUANG, ZHI-QIV, HUNG, ER-YU, LI, JUN-TING
The Hitchhiker Directed by Eleanor Catherine Smart
Voice of the Glaciers Directed by Sindre Kolbjørnsgard
Trilemma Directed by R. Paul Wilson
Hey Mami Directed by Frankie Freeman
Silver Selections
Ray Tauscher: America's Forgotten World Champion Motorcycle Racer Directed by Ned Thanhouser
Black Silence (The Last Night) Directed by Luca Tassone
Body and Soul Directed by Emmy Perry
Bucky Directed by Geoffrey Gould
Disarray Days Directed by Karl Ryan Erikson
Gwen Directed by Skye McDonald
Holestepper Directed by Sergio Fernández Muñoz
Our Song Directed by Jordan Henderson
Poison Directed by Lydur Arnason
Prison Pass Directed by Łukasz Ruciński
Stay Home Directed by Isaac Macpherson
Triggers Directed by John Gregor
Two Worlds, Not One Directed by Hemma Kearney
Un-bind Directed by SLEDGE
Weightless Directed by Dominik Rüedi
Jester Directed by Breton Tyner-Bryan
No One Left Directed by Morgan Hamilton-Lee, Brendan Smith, Jen Brown
Bronze Selections
Papugi Directed by Piers Culpan
Between Glances Directed by Ivann Willig
Blood is My Fate Directed by Zach Ball
Carmen Directed by David Crowley
Emptiness Directed by Eduardo Gallardo
Hallowed Be Thy Name Directed by Andy Kowalczyk
Malum Aeterni Directed by Luigi Scarpa
Porcelain Doll Directed by Cecilia Seaward
Run Away Directed by Ishtiyak Ahmad Zihad
The Gift Directed by Dhriti Borah
Isolated Mind Directed by Alex Siles
Naturally Directed by Dimitrios Stasinopoulos
The Stranger Directed by Alexander Dunn
Lads Directed by Charlie Hunter
Last Embrace Directed by Drew Garcia, Nate Garcia
